Christmas 2010

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

9 months old

It's so hard to believe my "baby" boy is almost one. This year has literally flown by. What all are you up to these are WALKING around like crazy. You still have to have one of mommy's fingers for safety, but you are pretty much on your own. You love graham crackers, baby nilla wafers, puffs, bananas, pears, grapes and sweet potatoes. You are now STANDING up in your crib and you can't figure out how to sit back down once you are up. You are saying mamama and dadadada and you said, "bye bye" and waved this morning as daddy was leaving for work. You are in LOVE with Taylor. Not sure he's as in love with you, but he will learn to love you:)

You have a laugh that melts my heart and you laugh A LOT:) I always tell you that you are no child of mama's if you don't know how to laugh:) You have seven teeth. You are pretty much sleeping through the night from 7-7. Your best friends are Jack Hazard, Lila Rose Settle, Max Cothran, Meredith Stuckey and Hayes Riley...even though they live out of town. You LOVE bath time and normally cry as soon as we take you out. You still aren't really use to strangers, but I'm sure that will change over time. You are the love and the light of our lives and we love you more and more everday. I think it took me about six months for it to sink in that mommy had MADE you and that you were my SON:) I love saying that:) Thank you for the best nine months of our lives sweet baby boy.

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Mimi and Braden

Mimi and Braden
Braden and I made the six hour trip to Jackson, MS a few weeks ago. We had the car LOADED down. I don't think I could have fit ONE more thing in my car. We had a great time at home. I was able to see both of my grandmothers and all of my sweet friends. Here are some cute pics from the weekend:)

My Daddy LOVES ME:)

Uncle P and Braden

Uncle P and Braden

Braden and Hayes Riley

Braden and Ayden Seale

Braden and Ayden Seale